Principal’s Message

To Haverhill High School Students, Parents, and Guardians:

Welcome to Haverhill High School! I’m thrilled to begin this exciting school year with our new and returning students, and I look forward to working with each one of you to find success on your journey at Haverhill High School during the 2021-22 school year.

Haverhill High School’s mission is to ensure that each learner meets or exceeds rigorous academic standards to become a citizen with the skills necessary to solve problems and meet 21st century academic, social, and civic expectations. Creating a culture that celebrates individual success is imperative for engaging all scholars in accessible, equitable, and meaningful learning experiences. As Hillies, we value inclusivity, achievement, and authentic learning that promotes pride in ourselves and in our community. Our main goal is to ensure that each student develops integrity, motivation, and self-confidence to succeed in the global community. In order to achieve this mission, it is important that we share a commitment to a common set of expectations.

This Student Handbook contains rights, responsibilities, rules, and procedures that govern the operation of Haverhill High School. While this document is intended to be comprehensive, it is difficult to predict every scenario that might arise during a school year. The school administration, faculty, and staff will use their judgment and discretion in the operation of our school, guided by the policies, procedures, and spirit outlined in this handbook. Knowing the contents of the Student Handbook is your responsibility as a student at Haverhill High School. It is crucial that you comply with the safety procedures and academic and behavioral expectations outlined in this handbook. In order to fulfill our mission and the expectations of our school by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the City of Haverhill, a safe, orderly, and welcoming school environment will be necessary. Creating this environment requires the efforts of every member of our community - our families, staff, faculty, administration and, most importantly, our students.

As we return all Hillie students to school after two years of disrupted learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are focused on ensuring that our students are present at school every day. Attendance is a key indicator of success in high school, graduation, and preparation for life after high school. This means consistently complying with our COVID-19 health and safety measures, getting to school and to every class on time, and reaching out to your teachers immediately if you must be away from class.

Beyond our rich academic offerings, Haverhill High School offers a wide variety of clubs, activities, student leadership organizations, and athletic teams. These extra-curricular opportunities are governed by the rules and procedures outlined in this handbook, and it is expected that all students who participate in these activities comply with the expectations as laid out in the handbook.

I expect you to always try your best, work hard, and get involved in our community. Take advantage of the wonderful opportunities our school has to offer. Meet the expectations of our school, and model what it means to be a Hillie - to be global, responsible, engaged, accepting, and tenacious.

I wish you a school year full of deep learning and engagement. I can’t wait to learn alongside you. Go Hillies!


[I don’t feel like getting the signature from the PDF. smh.]

Jason Meland