
  1. Each professional and paraprofessional staff member is authorized to detain students after school. Teacher detention is up to 15 minutes, office detention is 50 minutes.
  2. A detention may be imposed on the day of the infraction if the staff member is satisfied that the student does not have an important prior commitment or transportation problem. Student employment, athletics or other club activities are not acceptable reasons for missing detentions.
  3. In case of such a problem, the detention may be imposed for next school day. The student shares responsibility for informing parents or guardians regarding detention(s).
  4. Parents or guardians are responsible for providing, if necessary, transportation from school.
  5. The duration of each detention is at the reasonable discretion of the staff member (within a 60 minute limit). Office detentions are 50 minutes.
  6. After-school activities or athletics will not be participated in until detentions are served.
  7. Failure to report for detention or arrange for an approved deferral may result in additional detentions or suspension from school.
  8. The second and subsequent incident of a student failing to report for detention or arrange for an approved deferral may result in time in the Educational Responsibility Center, or ERC.
  9. If appropriate, parents will be informed of detentions served or to be served.
  10. Disruption of the detention room may result in a second day of detention or In School Suspension or, if the situation necessitates, Out of School Suspension.
  11. Students may be denied parking privileges until assigned detentions are served.